
In accordance with best Corporate Governance practices, Rossi created Advisory committees of the Board of Directors, which execute the actions proposed by the Board in relation to the Company’s strategy and businesses.

Board Advisory Committees

Audit Committee

  • The Non-Statutory Audit Committee is responsible for: (i) giving its opinion on the hiring and dismissal of an independent auditor; (ii) supervise the activities of the independent auditors and the activities of preparing the financial statements, as well as the activities developed in the areas of Internal Controls and Internal Audit; (iii) monitor the quality of the financial statements and the information disclosed by the company, as well as the integrity of the internal control mechanisms; (iv) evaluate and monitor the Company’s exposure to risks and the adequacy of transactions with related parties; as well as (v) prepare a quarterly report, with information on activities, results, conclusions and recommendations for the Company’s Management.
  • The Audit Committee is formed by Marcelo Adilson Tavarone Torresi, who is coordinator, Marcos Reinaldo Severino Peters, expert member, and Fabio Gallo Garcia, regular member.

Legal Committee

  • The Strategic Legal Committee’s mission is: (i) to advise on the legal strategy concerning the Company’s major causes and the Company’s mass litigation; (ii) promote studies related to strategic themes for Company’s legal department; and (iii) propose constant adjustments and improvement in the remuneration of external legal partners.
  • The Legal Committee is formed by Carlos Augusto Reis de Athayde Fernandes, who is coordinator, Daiane de Camargo Freitas and Nicolas Aires de Paiva, both regular members.

Real-estate Committee

  • The Real-estate committee’s mission is: (i) to advise in strategies concerning the Company’s land development; (ii) to monitor the implementation of (possible) regularization projects, including the schedule and budget of the respective procedures; (iii) to advise in the implementation of strategic solutions destinated to optimize the real-estate assets’ value; (iv) to advise in risk assessment measures, regarding the acquisition of new land; and (v) to identify possible new procedures, destinated to improve internal flows in order to optimize the land management.
  • The Real-estate committee is formed by Fabio Gallo Garcia, who is coordinator, Flavia Gonzaga de Oliveira Cappelli and Nicolas Aires de Paiva, both regular members.

Update: November 22, 2022